Mini Altars Workshop & Exhibit (Day of the Dead Celebrations, 2014)
Workshops Duration: October, 2014
Exhibit Duration: November 2 - 8, 2014
The works at the exhibit were made on October, 2014, during the Mini-Altar / Calaveras workshops celebrating Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead). The workshops were given by Blanka Amezkua at Fo Kia Nou 24/7 - and the idea was to construct mini-altars & calaveras (skulls) commemorating person(s) who have inspired, or left an indelible mark on the participant.
Following that, the works were exhibited for a week at Aliko space, in downtown Athens.
Workshop Participants
Adriana del Angel Román | Patricia Olvera Ramírez | Martha Hernández Martinez | Μαριέττα Καλλονά
Αφροδίτη Τσουργιάννη |
Κατερίνα Κυριακίδου | Myrna Escalante | Στέλλα Δούκα | Marie Howarth
Thank You
- ABANICO - School for Spanish and Portuguese language
- SOL LATINO - Cultural magazine
- ALIKO - Cultural space
- Embassy of Mexico in Athens